These cards are WATERPROOF so you don't have to worry if you spill your drinks on them - just have fun!
Each card has both that rule’s description and an image of the action. There are 4 of each card and action included in the deck along with 2 Wild Cards.
Fan all 54 included cards in a circle (face down) in the middle of your table around an empty cup, the Royale Death Cup. All Players grab a full drink and gather around the table to start playing.
Starting with the youngest player, pull one card from the center. Perform the action shown on that card. Actions will range from certain players having to drink, you choosing someone to drink, playing a simple memory game, to making your own rule for the rest of the game. For each of the King-Everyone Cards that is pulled, the player who drew will pour some of their drink into the Royale Death Cup in the center. The Royale Death Cup will be mixed with 3 different peoples drink. How does beer mixed with tequila and wine sound? The person who picks up the 4th and Final King in the Game drinks the ENTIRE Royale Death Cup.